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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Christmas Experience....

Hayden's first memorable Christmas was a lot of fun and action packed.  On the 23rd we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Wing's house to enjoy a few days together before the Christmas snow hit.  On Christmas Eve day, 11 inches of snow appeared and we all welcomed our guitar playing Santa into Grandpa and Grandma's living room. Santa brought presents to all the cousins and he sang several Christmas tunes.  First, Santa sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, followed by White Christmas to honor the Troops serving overseas, and finished with Thank God for Kids and a prayer to give thanks.   Hayden had an opportunity to sit on Santa's lap, and as it turned out, she wasn't even phased by the large man with a white beard in a red suit.  Hayden took the whole experience in stride and certainly loved all the attention.  Santa brought her a Sing-a-ma-jig to enjoy!

Millie( 9mo), Rylee Jo (Age 3), Taylor (Age 3), TJ (Age 3) Hayden (Age 1) Grace (Age 5)