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Monday, January 31, 2011

Hayden and her BIG GIRL chair....

For Hayden's first X-Mas Papa Mike and Grandma Vicki got Hayden a stuffed chair with her name on it.  Now she is the perfect age to start using her chair and she just loves it!  The first day we pulled it out, she was up, down, and dancing around the chair.  Having the chair around gives her a whole new attitude.  You can tell she feels like a BIG GIRL in it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Talking Tom

Talking Tom is an app found on our iPad.  Tom is a kitty who will repeat words of what the users say and will respond to human touch with different animations.  Unlike her parents, Hayden loves kitties.  Ann, our daycare provider, has kittens on their farm and every time we go to Ann's the kittens are waiting by the door to greet us.  Hayden is always very good at pointing out the "tiddies" and telling them hello as we arrive or goodbye as we leave.

Enclosed is a video of Hayden playing with Talking Tom.  She loves this app and I can't believe how she responds to him every time she has an opportunity to play with him.  She has a hard time containing her excitement and shakes with pure joy as she interacts with Talking Tom. As parents it is very entertaining to see her excitement.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Now you see it....Now you don't...

Little Miss Hayden has always been a great eater.  She has been slightly picky in her transition to table food as the textures of the table food throw her for a loop. But there are a few things she loves to eat....
Breakfast:  pancakes or waffles, and yogurt.
Lunch:  grilled chicken chunks, toast, diced pears or peaches, Cheerios and/or yogurt bites.
Dinner: hot dogs, grilled cheese, cheese quesadillas, Velveeta Shells and Cheese and/or bananas

Any of the above mentioned will be on her plate, but then disappears in a very short time.  She LOVES to shovel as much as she possibly can fit into her little mouth.  We have been working on veggies in the form of table food, but they are more fun to play with than it is to eat.

Also, what I find fascinating, as we transition to a sippy cup, Hayden will only drink water in her sippy cup.  No juice for this girl...=)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Gadget Girl.....

Hayden has found her passion already as a young 1 year old.  She loves gadgets.  If  she can get her hands on any piece of technology, she is a happy girl.  Remote controls, the iPad, the iPod, the digital camera and her personal favorite is the cell phone....she loves them all.   And don't dare take them away from her if she is in the middle of is not a pretty sight!

Teaching Grandpa Doug a thing or two....

Grandpa Doug's smartphone is so much fun!